circle between displays on one hub

Started by Sandrosius, Jul 13, 2024, 11:48 AM

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Hi there!

I still wait for my first VU-hub to be delivered, but can't wait to know if it would be possible to circle between different displays and measurements on one single hub (e.g. CPU load, GPU VRam usage and system temperature) like every 6 seconds?

Thanks and greetings to all of you!

BR, Sandrosius


Hey Sandrosius! Welcome to the forum!

Do you mean can you update the screen every 6 seconds?
The VU dials use e-ink display, and the cool thing about these screens is that they have the "like paper" look and feel.
This way the dials can mimic the original (old-school) VU dials and panel meters. They also don't emit any light (no backlight) so they are not distracting in completely dark room. But the downside is that they are relatively slow to update and require multiple screen updates (changing the screen to all white then all black couple of times). The idea for VU1's e-ink display is to give you an easy way to customize the backplate, but it is _not_ a high refresh rate display by any means.

So although technically you could change the image every ~6 seconds, the dials are not designed for such operation and would most likely provide a sub optimal experience. :)


Hi Sasa and thank you for your warm welcome and support :)

What I want to achieve is, using one single VU-Hub to display multiple different measurements one after another. Simply because I don`t have more space to utilise more VU-Dials.
Hence the display needs to change along with the measurements (CPU load, then GPU temperature and so on).
I thought 6s would be great, but if it takes 10s, it's also ok. Btw, how long does a full refresh of the display take in seconds?
Does your software already support such functionality or is there another way, like using Docker or so?

Thanks again for your help!
Best Regards, Sandrosius


You could do this but the dials were not really designed to have their display updated too frequently.
Main reason is because it could take ~4-5 seconds until the display is fully updated.
So I'm not sure how useful it is to have the dials update the screen every 10s if it takes ~5s change the background.
Alternatively you could maybe color-code the dials? Ie Red=CPU (or Blue if you have Intel :), Green=GPU and so on.


I only have one VU Dial and it would be great if I could save different configurations and select them by clicking on an icon or similar.
That way I would not need to fully reconfigure all settings and select the appropriate image each time I wat to change what it displays.
Do you think I could ask that as a feature request for the demo app or is there no further development planned?

I will try to virtualize the demo app to save different configurations to replace each other when executed.
Another way mnight be to create containers and run them through a docker script, but I´m no expert in that.

Oh and is there a way to update the library provided by the awesome LibreHardwareMonitor project to retrieve sensor information?


This would be technically feasible but I don't think we would add this feature to the demo app.
You could potentially look at scripting this feature (ie with Python).

Personally I don't think this would look nice since dials are not designed to have their background changed too often.
If you change the background every ~10 seconds but during that time the background is not "clear" for ~5 seconds... to me that does not look good.